Tag Archives: Uzi

Verdict is in~ MA v. Fleury

19 Aug

After deliberating for 6 hours over a span of two days, the jury has reached a verdict in the case of Massachusetts v. Edward Fleury. An 8-year old boy accidentally shot himself in the head one tragic day in 2008. Edward Fleury, who hosted the gun expo, was charged with involuntary manslaughter among other charges. The case was argued, evidence heard, witnesses called, closing arguments given, then the jury got the case. The came back with a verdict of not guilty in this case.

Breaking News! ~ Bizlij case~8 year old shoots self in head with Uzi

17 Aug

Had I read this correctly? Is the question I have asked myself for some time before sitting down at my laptop to update this fascinating case of the 8-year-old who’s life ends at a western Mass gun show. I ran across a post while browsing the net which is titled; “Christopher Bizlij’s family files suit:” . If I got the jest of the post, the Bizlij family blames the, then 15-year-old boy instructor for the death of Christopher, siting ” that a 15-year-old instructor who cleared the gun and handed it back to the victim failed to provide proper guidance.”

All I can say is ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Let me start by saying;  I am more than sorry for your loss Bizlij family, I have three young sons, two born 2 months early, one of which I almost lost on at least two occasions. I can not begin to imagine how it must feel loosing a child because I have not. That being said, the father, the adult in the situation should have never left the safety of his child in the hands of a child. Yes, this is a tragic accident, absolutely sad. The father, however should have been able to see all of the red flags in this case as soon as they stepped up to the line. Why in the world would anyone want to make the minor child, who was doing his job to the best of his juvenile mind, feel worse than he must feel? This makes no sense to me. Bizlij family, the money will not bring back your child. What is the point of a lawsuit?